Song Workshop at Ansells Farm, October 2012: Tales of the Unexpected

Saturday October 20th, ‘Tales of the Unexpected’.

With Hallowe’en just around the corner, visions of ghosts, gods and all things Gothic provide the subject matter for our latest Song Workshop. Whether it be a mystical experience, an eerie folk legend, a story of mischief wrought among men by the immortals, or something altogether darker and more macabre, let your imagination conjure some spells and incantations in song form, and bring them along to chill the blood and tingle the spine. If vampires and witches are not to your taste, you could lighten the mood with the cherubs, fairies and sprites which abound in songs through the ages. Or perhaps offer a helping of heavenly harmony? Whatever aspect you choose, there is plenty to explore here, and we look forward to some interesting ideas.

Contact us at for more details of this day, or to be added to the mailing list for future workshops.