Ansells Summer Music June 29th-July 1st 2018

This year is our festival’s 10th anniversary, and it promises to be a truly wonderful weekend of world-class entertainment.

Friday 29th June 8pm we welcome back the brilliant actor Andy Harrison to share the stage with baritone Stephen Varcoe and pianist Christina Lawrie in a light-hearted programme of words and music around the theme of ‘The Turning Year’.

Saturday 30th June 8pm fabulous, internationally acclaimed chamber ensemble The Fibonnacci Sequence return to the Ansells barn to bring us some delectable musical treats. Those who heard their astonishing violinist Daniel Pioro play here two years ago will be thrilled that he will once again be part of the group, this time playing Vaughan Williams’ ethereal The Lark Ascending. Cellist Ashok Klouda will play one of music’s most gorgeous works for solo cello, Schubert’s Arpeggione Sonata, and pianist Kathryn Sturrock & Stephen Varcoe (speaker) will match Tchaikovsky’s short piano pieces The Seasons with poems and readings. All this and more!

And, of course, on Sunday July 1st afternoon there’ll be our traditional short concert by the weekend’s singing students followed by tea & cakes in the garden at Ansells. (£5 incl)

To book seats (£14 each evening concert or all three for a special price of £30) contact, or ring 01787 269570.

9th Summer Music at Ansells Weekend, June-July 2017

The 9th Summer Music at Ansells Weekend will take place from June 30th to July 2nd 2017 – workshops, concerts, food and fun. There are places for eight participants, and if all eight places become filled, we keep a waiting list, so don’t be afraid to enquire if you’re interested in taking part.

Singer Stephen Varcoe and his wife Melinda have been running extremely successful Song Workshop Days at Ansells Farm, Alphamstone for fourteen years. And this summer for the ninth time they’re presenting a whole weekend of musical delights, in conjunction with workshops for solo singers, all taking place in the barn at Ansells.

The weekend begins with

“Town mouse and Country mouse – the pleasures and perils of being either”

at 8pm on Friday June 30th, a programme in songs and words exploring all sorts of city and rural delights, with baritone Stephen Varcoe, pianist Christina Lawrie and, to our great delight, a return visit from actor Andy Harrison who was such a brilliant success in the previous two years. Programmes for this are available from Ansells at £14.00, to include a glass of wine.

Why not bring a picnic and enjoy it in the garden before the concert, from 6pm?

On Saturday July 1st, also at 8pm, Stephen Varcoe will present “Just for the Record: Music and stories from a life spent singing”, illustrated by his own recordings and those of his friends and heroes. Programmes are on sale from Ansells at £10.00, to include a glass of wine.

Again, any concert-goers who want to enjoy a picnic beforehand are welcome, from 6pm.

Lastly, the informal concert by course participants will be on Sunday July 2nd at 3pm. This is a chance for each of our course participants to perform the songs on which they’ve been working with Stephen, accompanied by pianist Susi Morrow. Tea and plenty of homemade cakes (which are the real reason for the popularity of our workshops!) are included in the admission cost of £5.

This promises to be a really special weekend, and space is limited, so book your seats for these musical treats as soon as possible; and for those who choose to come to all three, we offer a special price of £25, a saving of £4.00!

Contact: Stephen and Melinda Varcoe
Ansells Farm

8th Summer Music at Ansells Weekend, June 2016

The 8th Summer Music at Ansells Weekend June 24th-26th 2016 – workshops, concerts, food and fun. All eight participants’ places are already filled, but we keep a waiting list, so please enquire if you’re interested.

8th Summer Music at Ansells Weekend, 2016
June 24th-26th 2016

Singer Stephen Varcoe and his wife Melinda have been running extremely successful Song Workshop Days at Ansells Farm, Alphamstone for thirteen years. And this summer for the eighth time they’re presenting a whole weekend of musical delights, in conjunction with workshops for solo singers, all taking place in the barn at Ansells.

The weekend begins with “Saints & Sinners – or does the devil really have all the best tunes?” at 8pm on Friday June 24th, a programme in songs and words exploring all sorts of delights sacred and profane, with baritone Stephen Varcoe, pianist Christina Lawrie &, to our great delight, a return visit from actor Andy Harrison who was such a brilliant success last year. Programmes for this are available from Ansells at £14.00, to include a glass of wine.

Why not bring a picnic and enjoy it in the garden before the concert, from 6pm?

On Saturday June 25th, also at 8pm, we welcome once again the fantastic Fibonnacci Sequence, the renowned chamber ensemble, with music for violin,cello and piano. Programmes are on sale from Ansells at £14.00, to include a glass of wine.

Again, any concert-goers who want to enjoy a picnic beforehand are welcome, from 6pm.

Lastly, the informal concert by course participants will be on Sunday June 26th at 3pm. This is a chance for each of our course participants to perform the songs on which they’ve been working with Stephen, accompanied by pianist Susi Morrow. Tea and plenty of homemade cakes (which are the real reason for the popularity of our workshops!) are included in the admission cost of £5.

This promises to be a really special weekend, and space is limited, so book your seats for these musical treats as soon as possible; and for those who choose to come to all three, we offer a special price of £28, a saving of £5.00!

Contact: Stephen and Melinda Varcoe

Ansells Farm

7th Summer Music at Ansells Weekend, 2015

June 26th-28th 2015

Singer Stephen Varcoe and his wife Melinda have been running extremely successful Song Workshop Days at Ansells Farm, Alphamstone for twelve years. And this summer for the seventh time they’re presenting a whole weekend of musical delights, in conjunction with workshops for solo singers, all taking place in the barn at Ansells.

The weekend begins with “The Golden Bough” at 8pm on Friday June 26th, a celebration of the chiaroscuro world of legend, myth & fantasy in songs and words, with baritone Stephen Varcoe & distinguished actor Andrew Harrison, and pianist Christina Lawrie. Programmes for this are available from Ansells at £14.00, to include a glass of wine.

Why not bring a picnic and enjoy it in the garden before the concert, from 6pm?

On Saturday night June 27th, also at 8pm, we welcome the fantastic Mellstock Band, with their programme of songs, dances and stories from the Thomas Hardy Songbook, ‘Sing Melodious all the Day’. All sorts of country instruments (including a serpent) plus surprise contributions from Stephen Varcoe, mean this is going to be a real treat and great fun! Programmes are on sale from Ansells at £14.00, to include a glass of wine.

Again, any concert-goers who want to enjoy a picnic beforehand are welcome, from 6pm.

Lastly, the informal concert by course participants will be on Sunday June 28th at 3pm. This is a chance for each of our course participants to perform the songs on which they’ve been working with Stephen, accompanied by pianist Susi Morrow. Tea and plenty of homemade cakes (which are the real reason for the popularity of our workshops!) are included in the admission cost of £5.

This promises to be a really special weekend, and space is limited, so book your seats for these musical treats as soon as possible; and for those who choose to come to all three, we offer a special price of £28, a saving of £5.00!

Contact: Stephen and Melinda Varcoe

Ansells Farm

2014 Summer Music Weekend a success

Ansells 6th Summer Music Weekend June 27th-29th 2014

Once again our annual festival of words and music was a marvellous success. We had a brilliant evening on Friday 27th when husband and wife actors John Woodvine & Lynn Farleigh joined Stephen Varcoe for the delightful programme ‘The Best Years of our Lives?’ Songs ranging from Schubert to Sting, and the unforgettable transformation of venerable actor into uncouth teenager for Martin Newell’s poem ‘I wanna be a Goth’ were just some of the highlights.

Saturday evening saw a welcome return by international chamber ensemble The Fibonacci Sequence, for this occasion morphing into a piano, horn and oboe trio. Wonderful musicianship and exuberant, joyful music-making of the highest quality!

Sunday afternoon found our group of singers presenting their short programme of songs on which they had worked with Stephen – and as always, there were lots of cakes for tea!
We missed the showers by the skin of our teeth all weekend, and from the feedback we’ve received the consensus is that it was our best festival yet.

Next year’s festival will be from Friday 26th – Sunday 28th June, so put it in your diary now!